This is a follow up to everything that we talked about during the Kick Off Meeting this morning. If you weren’t able to be there or missed something if should be contained here. If you have any follow up questions or need additional clarification please let me know.

Yard Signs

If you are a freshman or a new player to the program please add your name to the sign up sheet so that we can get one ordered for you. Yard Signs

Team Store

We have opened up the team store again for anyone that may have missed something. This store will close on Wednesday (8/18) and not open again until 2022. Team Store Once the store closes the processing and shipping time takes about 3 weeks so please be patient with that part of the process.

Gear Bags

We are taking order for gear bags again for those that may have missed this earlier this summer. Please get your order in by Wednesday (8/18). Gear Bag Once this order is in they shoudl ship out in a few weeks.

Mom’s Camp

For anyone interested we will be holding a Mom’s camp next Saturday (8/21) after practice (it starts at 11:15). The link to sign up is HERE – and more information on the event is HERE

Remind App

If you are the parent of a Sophomore, Junior or Senior please Text @pondovfb21 to the number 81010 to join our group (if you have already done this, thank you). We are going to use the Remind app periodically this year for quick updates and communications.

Season Fees

Everyone should have received an invoice showing what your family owes to the program. Those fees can be paid via our Cheddar Up page. If you have any questions on this please don’t hesitate to reach out. Once these fees have been paid you will be able to pick up your season passes for access to all home games this season.

Team Website

This is going to be our backbone this season for distributing information, schedules, etc. Please bookmark it and check back often if you have any questions as they might have already been answered


Our last game this season is in Montrose, CO on 10/29. A change to this year’s logistics are that we are not going to rent a charter bus to get the players to that game (all other local away games will be chartered). That means we are going to need your help in getting your player to and from Montrose (about 6 hours away in Western CO). We are still working through the logistics of that trip but I wanted to let everyone know as soon as we could to allow time to be ready.

Senior Banners

These banners are not a requirement for the senior players so if you are not interested in one there is no obligation. If you are interested please get your payment in for them by Wednesday 8/18 as we won’t order yours unless it is paid for up front. This can be accessed via Cheddar Up as well


Mark your Calendars for our Banquets this fall after the season. The Freshman Banquet is on 11/16 and the V/JV will be on 12/7. Both events will take place at Heritage Eagle Bend.

Thank you to all that made this morning a success. That was the smoothest kick off event we have ever had in my 3 years as part of the program. Thank you to all of the parents that are plugging in and supporting this team – none of this is possible without all of your help. This is going to be a great season.

WebAdmin Edit: I have linked the electronic version of Coach Cohen’s handout as well as our 2021 game schedule.